Its been so long and im finally going to meet some people also some cute peoples. It should be really fun. Finally though! Thank u universe for finally letting me do this. Its been so long and isolating. I just want to scream out YES! Wish me luck i hope my symptoms don’t act up
Sounds good. Good luck.
Good luck, and remember to have FUN!
It sure beats going out with wolverines. Good luck.
That was really fun we did this thing called an escape room. Where we were locked in a room and had an hour to escape using intricate clues and puzzles to solve. It was really fun. All in all good night. Not many symptoms either yay
Maybe this is the start of something big.
Its a start. Maybe not big but i had a good time. Nothing for me ends out well though so i shouldn’t get attached
Are you still locked in the room? Conserve your air maybe defeat the other people in unarmed combat because a passed out person breaths less air …i think… How did the room thing go did you all solve the puzzles it sounds fun…
Hope it went well Kazuma Happy for you
Where we were locked in a room and had an hour to escape using intricate clues and puzzles to solve
Haha! I’d just stand there helpless probably. Well done!
You are brave for wanting to make new friends, best of luck to you, and have fun!
Hope you had a great time!
Yeah, it gets a little boring going out with goats all the time.
Going out with goats never gets boring!
brilliant, have a good time and take care
i see that you did, well here’s to the next time
I think they’re boring unless they are friends with benefits. That’s the only way I can tolerate them.
I don’t know why the heck I find beastiality jokes so funny.