Film/Movie Buffs/Critics PoLL

I find it extremely difficult to watch tv AND FILMS BUT TONIGHT I SURPASSED MYSELF, I MANAGED TO WATCH 'THE SECRETS OF dUMBLEDORE sorry abot capslock there.

anyone watch anything good lately?

  • Yes
  • No
  • I get triggered by tv/Movies
  • I can only watch certain things
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I recently watched “step brothers” with will ferrell…hilarious…


I’ve been watching it religiously since it released in 2008.


Amazing movie. Classic.

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I can only handle comedies.

Anything else I don’t really like, except like romance and action.


I’ve been watching Numb3rs lately. I loved it when I was a kid, but I never watched the last 3 seasons because I lost access to a TV. I’ve started over from the beginning.


At times I struggle at times I don’t

Interesting show! I like the subplot w the father

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I really like how authentic the characters all feel, and how they grow and develop over time.

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I watched Yes Man with Jim Carrey to try to motivate myself to do things! And stop the negatives.

Bonus that it was a fun film.


I watch much when I am indoors. “Beef” won many awards. I watched it. It is the best of tv I’ve seen since tens of years. I would watch it again.

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I watched through 8 episodes of the penguin with Colin Farrell. It was awesome. He performed great.

I don’t usually watch anything.


Last movie I watched was interstellar in 2014 and have never watched a movie since

I’m hopefully going to check out the independent film theatre tomorrow to see a smaller production or 2, the first fil is called silent men & the 2nd is a film about a local band i know called Mogwai. the first film could be more triggering than the last but i want to see it.

Great band, I know them too


I tried watching the movie heretic at the movies and didn’t like it. I left the theater and just hung out out front waiting for my husband.

I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you, that has happened to me as well, recently actually.

I am tempted to watch the last two parts of Harry Potter tonight.

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I’m awaiting Inside Out 2, Deadpool & Wolverine and Wall-E on blu-ray in the mail. I have only seen wall-e


I can only watch cartoons because of my delusions. I miss watching movies and tv. Life would be a little fuller if I could watch people on tv. I get no human interaction lol


I have watched Friends and The Big Bang Theory recently.

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I can do movies. I have an AMC movie pass and so does my mom, we go see pretty much everything that comes out that interests us. I really, REALLY prefer movies 2 hours or less though, since you’ve got to add 30 minutes for trailers, the Nicole Kidman cringefest. At that point, 2.5 hours, I am gonna be dragging regardless of how good the movie is. Avatar 2 was rough. I absolutely love the 90 minute ones, even 1 hour 45 is good.