Filled in a Job application form

well its half done anyway, i’ll get back to it, i do dream about jobs like this but also worry at the same time, i know i’ll probably not get it but whats the harm, its giving me something to do,


Good luck!!! 1515

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At least it will be good practice filling out a job application. And you may get the job, you never really know.

For some odd reason I’m really good in interviews, but I still can never tell for sure in the interview whether I got the job or not . A lot of factors play into getting a job. Sometimes, a big part of acing an interview is simply if they like you. Another factor can be your overall attitude. Having a good attitude is so important in getting a job. (And keeping it)!

When you (or anyone) fill out an application, the most basic thing is to fill it out neatly and clearly. I know that many businesses have online applications but if you get a paper application take your time and fill it out neatly and completely. If a prospective employer is looking through a stack or applications and sees one with mistakes and messy writing it’s very possible he’ll toss it or ignore it.

I haven’t had to fill out an application in years but my tried and true method when I used to fill out applications was when they ask what hours I am willing to work I say “any”. On applications, they ask what hours you are available to work and on what days. I always say I’m available for any shift, on any day. It just looks good, it shows your boss you really care about doing good and that you will be dedicated to the job and you are a willing worker among other things.

Another trick I always use is when they ask when I’m available to start I usually write down a date that is just two or three days away. I only do this if I am unemployed at the time. It just makes me look eager and ready to go.

Good luck! What kind of job have you gone for?

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thats cool that you can say that but i am not able to work any hours, i try and be honest on application forms bc i dont want to get a job that has too many hours and i cant cope ‘is no good for anyone’

the job i applied for is 10hrs a week to start with anyway and i’m hoping i can settle and increase my hours gradually, i’m hoping its maybe a couple of hours every Mon-Fri

@Sezbot241 its working with the NHS as a peer support worker and should’nt affect my benefits as far as i know.

i think i’d be working in an office doing groups with people experiencing first episodes of psychosis, whats in my favour here is the fact that i have some qualifications from college and that i am a carer for my mum, also i have worked a little and volunteered a lot,

The one thing that is not great is my employment record and i reckon that there will be people who have lived experience out there who work steady jobs and have more of a chance than me.

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