FFN BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Forum Members Unanimous That Charmin Ultra Soft Feels Best

“My name is Mr Whipple and I approve this message”.


woah… double rainbow…what does it mean maaannn??.. lol…


Hopefully two pots of gold!

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I think the double rainbow guy found the pot at the end of the rainbow… notice my up to date references…lol


lol. i’ve never remember even using that before. there are other things that are more comforting to me than charmin ultra soft, ‘down there.’

have you all been peeking under my bathroom sink?

I can’t afford charmin…I buy Angel soft.

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lol my grandma had a rainbow rug thing that went on the toilet lid… my little nephew was just learning to use the bathroom… he was just tall enough to stand and pee… he had been gone a while so I went to go check on him… the rainbow rug caused the toilet lid to slam shut… on his junk…he was passed out on the floor lol poor little guy…

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'My name is Winnie the Pooh and I approve this message."

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I concur that Charmin feels best on the paws.