Nice Job Fade2Black…
How did you gain these skills if I may ask you?
Very nice! Looks good
Looks nice. Good job.
When I left school I was a labourer for a Landscaping firm, and they taught me everything I know.
Learning new skills.
This was my first flint wall last week ( Not Finished yet!)
A tree damaged it
Damn man. That’s great. Impressive! I’m hoping to learn skills too.
I have had two careers.
Came back to Landscaping after being a data analyst for 6 years
Have always started at the bottom, and worked my way up and learned on the job
Thanks for your messages everyone
I am enjoying being outside and doing something creative for work
Much better than spreadsheets!!!
That’s great. A lot of kids think they can just go to the top without hard work.
My dad told me that too. What you just said. I’m hoping to go into an electrician apprenticeship or become an engineer some day. I prefer physical activity and getting outside of my head. Not sure. Hopefully sooner than later.
If you start from the ground up you become an expert in everything that needs doing, because you’ve done the unskilled work, and that leads to being given more responsibility and more interesting tasks.
Not knocking further education, but work experience is just as valuable
Geez, you’re a handy guy to know I bet !
Great work !
Great work as usual. Nothing like someone who earns their money with tools. I do admire that!
Impressive @Joker !
very nice work @Joker
I’m impressed =)
You have good skills, nice.
very nice!! that looks like it was a lot of work =O
Lost count of how many passers by said it was a lost art!
Flint work is a bit of an old fashioned thing to do, but a tree killed it so it needed fixing as it was dangerous!
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