Female orgasism

what makes a woman orgasism?

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touch – at the right places

Do not know, have not had sex with a woman in the past 16 years.

i might touch her ear tonight

you mean you dont know? haha

i dont know, the clit maybe?

I think it is more to do with the Mental Connect. If she is into you, she will Orgasm with you without any effort…If she is not, then its pretty hard.

It’s largely mental and only a small part physical. Specifics would depend on the girl. What I like and what an other girl likes are probably not the same.

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amateur :stuck_out_tongue: haha

how does a male orgasism

I have not had sex with women in the past 16 years because I am afraid of getting STD from them, well it is my paranoia speaking which has influenced my life a lot.

Masturbate and you know how a male gets an orgasism.

The nickname I gave my ex was the waterfall.


Freaking easy for us. Nature has made us orgasm easy and women hard…Lol. never understood why

U got to rub it, until your nuts explode.