Felt an improvement since taking vitamins

Over the last 2 weeks I have added:

B complex

Am feeling very good today. Could just be coincidence.


what type are you taking im thinking about starting taking something like that too

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I notice this, too. I was worried that my meds were damaging my hair and nails, so I started taking prenatal vitamins. I felt more alert and energetic almost immediately.


Folate and B-12 can be super duper good for schizophrenia. Im too lazy to post a study but basically patients with a folate deficiency can really benefit. It cures your negative symptoms. Multivitamin you have mentioned might contain folate/folic acid. And b complex might contain b12.


how much vitamins are we supposed to take? xxx

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I think it has been the addition of the b vitamins that has helped. That and staying hydrated by drinking lots of tea.

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They do help I noticed when I was low on the D vit I took a few doses and my back pain was gone


Just bought some d vitamins.

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haw…??? cure…!!!
i think it is good for vitamins deficiency…!!!

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I’ve taken so many vitamins over the years I’ve kinda become disillusioned by the whole industry. Yeah if your diet is horrible vitamins might help. But if you eat relatively decent there’s really no need for them.

You can get b vitamins from eating beef also giving up sugar is really helpful

Magnesium-Gulconate or Citrate, these are the best versions with the most bioavailability. That really helped me. Along with vitamin D and High strength Cod Liver Oil capsules.
Cutting out sugar and drinking more water.