I used to go to church 3 or 4 times a week
Because of covid havent been for a year.
It made me calm,but nobody is wearing masks,and churches are filled with anti waxer and Im scared.
I also love nature,my parents build it in beautiful place
My father sold it,so there’s no way I can leave apartment
I’m trapped in small flat for an year,and I cant
Do by my self…
The other day I spread my madnes over here,and I specially apologize to @Jake and @LilyoftheValley …
I can imagine how you feel. I pray you get outside. You live in a city?? Where there’s a bunch of people. I hope you get outside to nature it’s important for my mental health to not feel so trapped.!!!
Apolon??? That’s nice to hear sometimes I think there must be something wrong with me but if I could just calm down a bit lmfao sir I often think I’m real ugly looking lol. The photos probably capture the best me
Im alone in my flat but tonight i took a walk and feel better.
I didnt get a summer job because of my CV and un luck.
Today i sang with a friend and i actually sing kind of good so im proud of something.