Feeling Sad

Struggling a bit over the holidays. Too much work on my book I guess. It’s hard bringing up childhood memories without crying. My sister told me yesterday that her dad said our mother put her in the oven when she was a baby. I forgot about that one. I know I probably shouldn’t share that, but a lot of my struggles, especially lately are childhood trauma’s. I feel like my schizophrenia is a manifestation of my mind trying to repair itself from the violence.

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I’m sorry your childhood was so difficult. Mine was too. Try to think of current people/activities/things in your life right now. And also in the past. That might help balance things a little for you.

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Feeling better. Took some opportunity for self-care. Got my hair cut and went thrift-store shopping. It was half off today. Couldn’t believe the prices. Bought myself some new clothes. In the last three years I’ve only bought two or three outfits. It was a nice treat.


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