and depressed.
I’m trying to focus on achieving my goals. But I still have different fears. It’s like I am alone and no one likes me. I feel so bad.
and depressed.
I’m trying to focus on achieving my goals. But I still have different fears. It’s like I am alone and no one likes me. I feel so bad.
why would people not like you? I thought like that too for long time but it’s just not true really… there always is several people who like you.
sorry to hear you feel depressed. Did your pdoc suggest an AD already or are you on one?
This disease can make you feel alone. I’ve just gotten used to the feeling.
Do you have any friends or family?
I have my family. I live with them. But I want to move out and live on my own. I have a sister. I hate her.
I take my meds, yes. I think I feel depressed for realistic reasons.
Living in your own place is a good idea
but if you live by yourself and don’t see people then you get even more lonely maybe…
I have lived on my own, by myself, since September 2008. I used to live with my mom before then. I miss living with her and having someone else living with me.
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