Feeling hotbin headb,tiredness

Anyone else deal with hot feeling head,and tiredness. I have anxiety and allergies so may be main culprits. I’m on like three anxiety meds :sob: but still major anxiety and several allergy

I take singulair for allergies and it does help, so maybe talk to your doc about adding that. Also you can get an allergy shot, it lasts about 3 months, works great. Both will help you feel less sleepy from allergies.

I thought allergy shots require lots of visits over a very long time to help you become immune. ???

Is there another kind of shot?

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I believe it’s just a steroid shot that lasts 3 months

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Oh ok. Cool. Does it give you the same side effects as when you take steroids orally for that long?

When I take steroids, I get a round face, acne, and I put on weight.

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I’ve never noticed any side effects. I just notice less pressure in my sinuses and it from so many sinus headaches

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That’s great! I’m going to look into that

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