I would first swim upstream to Pittsburgh, then drift back down the ohio tp cairo, Illinois where I would be on to Memphis and down the Mississippi. unfortunately I never quite complete the journey to new orleans, instead leaving the river behind at natchez, and then back northeast to Pittsburgh, with stops in Nashville to hear some music, and then on to Lexington to see the horses before arriving back in steel city only to have float back down the river to my little piece of nowhere real estate. what a wonderful trip, I cant wait.
Sounds absolutely wonderful. When are you going and how would you get there? Would you take your car?
yes I would drive. I suppose it would be best to wait til summer. but I could really go for a road trip right now. of course the risk is never wanting to end the journey and to continue with life on the road. I really need to get this out of my system. my empire was destined to expand.
I always wanted to rent an rv and drive from New York to L.A. I think it would be pretty expensive though. It is just kind of one of those dream bucket list things.
new York to la would be cool if I was young and watching tv. no offense, but im more of a boston to seattle type of guy. gotta avoid that great western desert. but I still have love for new York and l.a. …I just wish they would keep it there instead of trying to spread. we all can’t be movie stars.
“James dean went out to Hollywood …put his picture in a picture show”
I have a road trip booked in Ireland for five days in April, hoping my pal will come who has shown an interest, it’ll be driving around the southern coastal areas cant wait.
i’d love to see some pic of your trip, that be nice
sounds great
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