Went out with my brother and his friend to the gym and then for Japanese food.They are both majoring the same subject in universities,I don’t know what they are talking about,felt brain stucked most of the trip
What did you do at the gym, and what did you order in restaurant?
I did some workout
I ordered a Unangi fried rice and some cheese roll sushi
My brother ordered Unangi Fired rice too and he got himself salmon fish.His friend ordered a Unangi rice set and some oyster…
My brother did a lot in the gym as he is very experience and strong,his friend who is a gym noobie did very little
Just wondering, you seemed to cope ok. No harm no foul.
Yea,thanks,it’s not a very enjoyable trip TBH.Anyway I am going to Thailand with my friends soon,hope to avoid such feeling
Sorry,I think my post is a little offensive…
Ah yeah, just roll with the punches, baby, you know nobody means harm.
Just try to relax. I wouldn’t be to hard on yourself for not keeping up with two people who were sharing the same major and going on about it.
I can totally relate to that feeling. It’s hard to find the right crowd. Get around a bunch of drug users as as they get drunk and high the conversation gets dumber yet they continue to get excited. If I get around my mother and her friends they just talk about teaching and their social circle.
I prefer to just have one on one conversations with people. Typically you get to know them a lot better that way. They aren’t in that social performance mode.
High five. 15 15 15