Should I contact my psychiatrist or should I take a wait and see approach?
Today was the first day feeling this way.
To be honest I think that the upcoming Election is getting to me.
Should I contact my psychiatrist or should I take a wait and see approach?
Today was the first day feeling this way.
To be honest I think that the upcoming Election is getting to me.
Are you on 4mg Risperdal? I would wait a bit to see if its just temporary.
No I’m still on 3mg of Risperdal.
Yeah I’ll wait and see how I do.
Thanks @Aziz
With everything that’s going on right now I’m not surprised that you are having symptoms but it doesn’t hurt to make a phone call and let your pdoc know what’s going on. They can’t help you and make adjustments if they aren’t informed. But it’s up to you.
I hope you feel better Wave!
Thanks @Leaf but I think I’ll wait to see how I am doing by tomorrow.
If I’m still paranoid I’ll give her a call or text her.
Thanks @TheCanuk!
I think you’ll be okay North of our border here in Canada.
Americans are resilient and fair. Cooler heads will prevail no matter which way this election goes.
I’ll suggest wait, its just a temporary feeling just like a bad mood which will setlle down soon. Main thing is not react to it.
Holy basil tulsi tea helps to calm down. It have a mild ap, benzo like effect.
I’m from the USA @anon39054230
I know that…my bad…I meant to say South of our border.
Here is more detail about holy basil tea.
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