Feel like my positive symptoms have 'BURNT OUT' but left with permanent negatives

I’m on Geodon and Latuda. The pdoc that stabilized me on Geodon went beyond the approved daily dose and my current pdoc got really nervous because of the cardiac issues with Geodon. After a normal EKG he agreed to keep me on it. I take 200mg Geodon and 40mg Latuda. Good luck. :sunny:

Its good that you find relief at this level, I was up to 160-180 Geodon and I still had overwhelming symptoms. You must have to eat 300 calorie meals 3 times a day, right? Is weight gain less on these two meds than Seroquel? Is your mood and motivation better?

I eat 500 calories twice a day. With Seroquel I gained so much weight. Could have been the Risperdal too. I was on 8mg of that along with the Seroquel and still in a perpetual psychotic episode. The ECT was the only thing to help. I received that for two years and it made me more sensitive to the meds.

Geodon and Latuda are weight neutral for me. I don’t have any mood issues so I don’t know. The Geodon helps the negative symptoms but I still have to fight hard. :sunny:

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Geodon helped me with negative symptoms too. Risperdal definitely has the potential to cause unacceptable weight gain. You tend to need high doses of medication, I am the same way it is tough. Good for you that ect sensitized you to the medications. My pdoc also said that sometimes retrying meds you get a different reaction.

Risperdal has so many nasty side effects. The negative symptoms are a little more insidious. At least with the positive symptoms you see it hear it feel it and that makes it somewhat easier to fight because it’s in your face. The negatives steal your life from you without you realizing it. I’ve been ill since I was 13 but things got bad at 26 where the symptoms turned into my own reality. Now at 33 I feel like I’m still learning how to be an adult woman with schizophrenia. It’s like playing a game on the hard setting while everyone is playing on easy. :sunny:


Yeah, I only recently started taking Risperidone, and while it has done a tremendous job in some ways, clearing up the psychosis, it’s left some other things that are hard to explain, the negatives. It’s frustrating to just not have the same emotional reactions to things.

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The brain changes as you get older

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Among general population, morbidity epidemiology extincts at 40 yo. For diagnosed people, positive symptomatology mostly stabilized at 40 yo but the following post-psychotic depressed state of mind is dominated by negative symtomotology after the burn-out you described. This evolution is probably very common in sz with variations in degree depending on DUP (Duration of Untreated Psychosis), stress exposures, support ressources, etc…

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That is very interesting. I am 35. I feel my positives have changed and the negatives are much more of a problem.