Feel like my corner's about to throw in the towel

Making friends is difficult. Maintaining a job is difficult. Maintaining your weight is another one. For normies, all the things we struggle with, it’s not as difficult for them. We have to work smarter, not harder. Be better friends. Idea :loudspeaker: a friendship workshop! We can think about how to best maximize our strengths and minimize the illness. Do you have a routine that works? What do you talk about?

I see some people at my job, and they are extroverts and build upon social cues. I tend to remain neutral when cued up to make a sales pitch. Extroverts seem to talk quite freely whereas people with sz are restricted (poverty of thought). Remaining neutral spawns creativity, instinct, and builds repetition.

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I have been isolating myself lately and preferring to be alone. I am tired of normies and their reasoning and ignorance.

I do resent my illness sometimes, yes everything is so much more difficult for me on a daily basis. I have struggles others would never guess. But I am currently happy with myself. My body, the way I think, my reasoning, my solitude. I’ve come to enjoy these things.

Don’t compare yourself to others, they will never understand what we go through.


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