Feel like I'm so amazing. With untapped potential

I think that for everyone else too.

Just I feel it more for myself, simply because I know myself better than I know others.


I think I was a cat in another life.

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Maybe something like this.


You are a cat lol :joy:

Enough Christmas :gift:

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Haha dancing cats are so funny, I don’t know how they make them do that.

Optimism isn’t a bad thing as long as it’s not too strong. I’m more cynical so I have to push myself to view things positively sometimes.


Adobe Photoshop.

Other graphics programs as well.

It’s real easy. :+1:t2:


Songs like this help me to feel more positive


Im a cat in THIS life lol

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Haha you are funny.

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Its true meow

15 cats

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That’s very convincing. The way u wrote meow sounds just like a real meow

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I want you to do it RIGHT MEOW.

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I used to feel like that when i was young and before sz. Make the most of it :sparkles:

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Sorry 2 hear u don’t feel like dat anymore.

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Thats ok… sometimes i do, if i drink coffee. Or i feel like that waking up but then i realize ive got a bad reputation, so stay in bed depressed. that dancing cat is hilarious btw

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There might be better days ahead where u feel less depressed for more longer periods. Likewise for me too. That would be nice.

Yup that hilarious dancing cat is cute, just like me :scream_cat::face_exhaling:

And so are u, hehe.

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Sounds good. I wish i had enough of that magical potential feeling to get out there and do something special though. Hehe :heart:

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I feel like a purring cat.

And I do feel like I have some untapped potential. And my dad is trying to help me reach my potential that he thinks I can reach.


Sounds like mania… but you are not bipolar are you?


I’m not bipolar, as far as I’m aware.

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