Feel Like a Psychopath

Is this normal? Anyone else feel this way? Am I being too critical of myself? Do I have a personality disorder?

In the past, I’ve had grandiose fantasies of power. Some of the topics I will not mention. Personality wise, I feel a little sadistic and have limited empathy. I was diagnosed with Aspergers in the past. Could this be related? Is it related to schizophrenia or depression?

I hate this ■■■■■■■ society that puts shame and label to everything that discomforts majorities.

One is a little bit anti social? Here, a disorder for ya.

One likes some pain? here, you sick sadist.

I’m not perfect enough for your small minded provincial criterion’s? Well I’m glad to keep you feeling good about yourselves.

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You don’t like society? You stupid rebel.


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You post nonsense? What a troll.
Go get help. :imp:

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Huh. Care to explain?

She’s talking to me…

Lots of paintings look like nonsense… but when you look closer… you realize it’s genius.

Have you read The Trial?
We’re always guilty in the eyes of invisible judges. Don’t make it harder for yourself.


Man I don’t think you’re a psychopath. It’s hard to measure how much empathy someone has anyways… If a mean thought goes through your head don’t jump to conclusions you know

I took a psychopath test online. I scored high on part I, and very low on part 2. Basically, I think like a psychopath but I am smart and controlled enough not to commit crimes. I also took this test:

It took me about ten minutes to understand and answer it. I picked the non psychopathic answer. But if I was playing a video game, I would pick the psychopathic answer. Assuming you got more points for saving lives.

Well, I think that’s key, there - that you recognize the difference between real life and a video game. It’s okay that you can understand the benefits of either choice. Purely psychopathic thinking wouldn’t recognize much of a moral difference between real life and a video game.

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Right on, and also my therapist told me that a psychopath never even stops and asks if he is one.

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I always felt like when I was in school they were teaching us to think like psychopaths. For instance, I was taking an economics course and we had to calculate whether or not the pay off (utility) was better to pay taxes or risk going to jail and not pay them.

No I haven’t.


Yeah, you were in a naturally psychopathic industry. Pure capitalism is, at its core, a psychopathic philosophy. But as @Patrick would remind us, everything in moderation.

People in big business used to tell me things like that, that they would calculate whether it was more expedient meet all regulations or to just pay the fines for noncompliance. It’s how business runs.

Edited because edited :kissing_cat:

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Poverty of emotion maybe?
I don’t think that being upset that you don’t feel things for others is something that a psychopath would do. I used to have a hard time feeling anything too. I didn’t like my mom hugging me. I wanted her to hug me like she hugged my sister but I didn’t want her to actually touch me if that makes any sense.

I was told I have a couple of ausburgers indicators so that might be what that particular issue was about though.

But look up poverty of emotion and sz. Just poverty of emotion brings up all sorts of stuff but apparently it is a symptom of sz. I’m not providing any links because I’m very wary of using other people’s links and I don’t want to put you in the position where you might feel obligated to click on my link.

I used to be a libertarian and favored pure capitalism. Maybe that’s where it all stems from. My obsession with it. Depending on my mood, I can be quite liberal, quite right libertarian, and quite anarchistic. I flip flop a lot.

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When I was in a negative swing, I call it the wax build-up… my emotions are very muted and covered in wax… I can barely feel anything for anyone else.

I’m flat… I’m cold… I don’t care about anything… I’m just sort of numb and empty. People are sad or happy… it doesn’t register with me. I’m in my own head and can’t emotionally reach out or connect.

I had to relearn that sort of stuff… meds and therapy also helped me begin to reconnect with others.

Hope you find the answers your looking for.

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It’s what a lot of us were taught, trained and instructed to do. (Don’t worry, bud; you’re not a sociopath. Take it from someone who’s met several.)

Anyone watched “We need to talk about Kevin”? If not, I sincerely recommend.
From rottentomatoes:

"A suspenseful and gripping psychological thriller, Lynne Ramsay’s We Need to Talk About Kevin explores the facts of relationship between a mother and her son. Tilda Swinton, in a bracing, tour-de-force performance, plays the mother, Eva, as she contends for 15 years with the increasing malevolence of her first-born child, Kevin (Ezra Miller). Based on the best-selling novel of the same name, We Need to Talk About Kevin explores nature vs. nurture on a whole new level as Eva’s own culpability is measured against Kevin’s innate evilness.

Rating:R (for disturbing violence and behavior, some sexuality and language)"

Just wondering, about cases like Adam Lanza’s , where is the fine line between mental illness and psychopathological tendencies? What about difference between Asperger’s and sociopathy? (That’s for you @notmoses)
Like, if you watch this movie, it shows how Kevin is different since he was a baby, and obviously shows signs that he was in autism specter, yet he is a smart little manipulator who will become a vicious murderer.