Feel like a fraud

I have had cold sweats for 2 days. My first thought was covid. So I did two lateral flow tests over two days. Both were negative.

I was due my depot today. I go to the local health centre to get it. But they won’t let you in with a temperature so I needed to do a PCR test. I got one sent to my house and posted it back

I have no other symptoms other than cold sweats and a very minor headache yesterday which is gone now. The news is full of the shortage of PCR tests, even for healthcare workers, but I can’t get my depot without one.

Feeling like a piece of ■■■■

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can they come to your home and give it there?
try ringing them asap

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They won’t see me without a negative test result. There is no immediate rush to get my depot - is very long acting and I can go a while before I get withdrawals.

oh cool your alright then @Jimbob

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Thanks @anon67605327 !!

Hope you feel better soon
drink plenty of water and get to bed soon

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Will do for sure 151515

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Roger that…over and out

it feels like the first conversation i’ve had with anyone on here in ages LOL

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It goes like that sometimes I think. Ebbs and flows ya know? Are you from the uk too? I am in Scotland

England, the Scots aren’t All bad LOL

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Lol! I was born in England to English parents but moved to Scotland as a baby. I have a Scottish accent but am not sure we’re my loyalties lie haha

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AHH your Scottish mate!!!
Me is English but with a dabble of French and Irish

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Thing is to a Scotsman I have a slight English accent. But this is only picked on native Scot’s. My English mates totally think I am 100% Scottish. So to the Scot’s I am English and vice versa.

Tbh I mostly see myself as british


i tried driving with hubby to the HOGMONNAY? not sure how its spelt
one year , oh what a terrible awful drive that was. At night all those windy roads I was clinging onto my seat for dear life.

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Yeah New Years is a big deal up here.

yeah , never again!

I don’t really travel these days more that around town and 40 mins away on rare occasions

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anyway i’m going to make a cuppa then watch coronation street
take care @Jimbob

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Have a good one @anon67605327

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