I think I’ll never get past this genealogical brick wall. I wanted to do so., to confirm a Cornish connection, before my father dies. They’re saying he has just days left.
All I have for years of effort is: 7 cMs match descendant of Exeter Gattey, 8 cMs match descendant of Greenwich Gattey,10.7 cMs match descendant of Buckden Gatty and finally 37-2 match to descendant of Canterbury Gatty . Shared ancestor 1250-1850. Best estimate 1650.
No doubt it sounds trivial, but I feel like I’ve failed. Let him down once again.
The primary, though not sole, aim was to confirm the connection to the Gatty from Cornwall. Cornwall being where the Gatty name was first found in the UK. I guess you could call it the search for our personal genealogical ‘holy grail’. To say ‘X’ is that Cornish ancestor.
Not necessarily. Gatty and var sp are relatively rare surnames, but it has been suggested that the Cornish Gatty were originally Gatti from Italy. Gatti being a far more common surname.
I don’t know how accurate that claim is. I have information that suggests a Cornish connection but have hit a genealogical brick wall that seems to be indestructible. A 4 g- grandfather born 1789 or before, based on being of full age when he married in 1810, for whom despite extensive searching no birth or baptism record has been found.
Based on word of mouth and a few vague documents we can trace back my ancestry, on father’s side, up to the 18th century. It seems I may have royal blood flowing in my veins. But I simply don’t care for all that. I’d rather be a peasant who gets to live a healthy life than the unworthy scatter-brained descendant of kings.