I think there is something wrong with me but I don’t know what. I went to the doctor and had a full spectrum of blood tests but they all came back clear. My whole body aches, my arms and leg muscles ache, I have really bad upper back pain which feels like my spine is being crushed and someone is sticking hot needles into me, an MRI scan came back clear. My lower abdomen, lower back and groins have stabbing pains that stop me in my track, but the doctors can’t find anything wrong. I try to stay positive, eat a very healthy diet, walk 5 or 6 miles every day with the dog, I’m doing all the right things but my body is letting me down, I feel like an old woman but I’m only 37. On top of having to deal with bipolar, psychosis, OCD and tics, this just feels so unfair. Some days are better than others, but today I am in so much pain and painkillers do nothing to help. I feel like the GP has just given up on me, the test all came back negative, so there’s nothing more they can do. Sorry just feel like having a moan, I’m pissed off with being sore all the time.
Sorry, that sounds awful. Just let your GP know you still have these pains and hopefully he can think of something else. If he runs out of ideas get a second opinion from another doctor.
Thanks @everhopeful. This can’t be right, I think I will have to make another appt next week and explain that these symptoms are real even if they can’t find a cause for them. There has to be some explanation.
Hope you figure it out.
I am sorry you’re suffering so much. I agree with @everhopeful. If your doctor can’t fix it, maybe get a second opinion.
Thanks all, I hope so too, so far I’ve tried not let it get me down, but I am starting to get fed up.
It might be worthwhile googling the side effects of your meds while you’re waiting. Maybe it’s due to med side effects or an interaction between them.
You can check for med interactions here :
That’s a good idea, I’ll do that, thank you.
It could be from a drug reaction or interaction or it could be some sort of nerve disorder.
It might be a good idea to see another doctor.
Good luck
@Turquoise. Has your doctor looked into conditions such as fibromyalgia or chronic pain syndrome?
Surprisingly no, and this is something I’m concerned about, but the GP I’ve seen the last time basically made me feel like since the tests didn’t show anything there was nothing wrong with me, she almost made me feel like the tiredness and pain and stiffness can’t be real because there was nothing on the tests. I didn’t have the confidence to ask directly if it could be something like that, because of her dismissive attitude. I think I’m going to have to ask outright if it could be one of these, I’m going to make another appt next week but will make sure it’s a different doctor.
Chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia can be difficult to diagnose. Often it is a sort of process of elimination of other medical conditions.
Have you considered seeing a pain specialist? Chronic pain conditions are (sadly) quite prevalent and many health care facilities have pain clinics or pain specialists on staff.
You might also consider seeing a neurologist.
Could be arthritis…?
Are you in the US? Can you get to a really good medical hospital like Mayo Clinic or Cleveland clinic or John Hopkins?
I’m in the UK, so I can’t self refer to any specialist or hospital, the GP has to refer me. My current doctor seems to have written me off, so I’m going to get an appointment with a hopefully more empathetic doctor.
Have you seen a rheumagologist? You might be experiencing arthritis.
You’ll always be your own best advocate. I think it’s a good idea to look for a new GP, one who is less dismissive of your symptoms.
Sounds like fibromyalgia. I was dxed in 2002 or so with it. I too was tested, tested, and tested some more. In my case I suffered the pain for over 20 years w/o dx. I was told it was in my mind, all kinds of BS.
Finally I went to a rheumatologist. There are “trigger points” with fibromyalgia and when that doctor touched those spots I thought I was going to collapse from the pain. The word “fibromyalgia” means-Fibro=soft tissues, myalgia=pain. Fibromyalgia.
Beware some of the treatments.
It’s important to get enough rest, keep active, as doing nothing is not good, but do not overdo because that increases pain. I’ve learned to balance activities with rest and life is better. I refused the treatment b/c possible permanent side effects seemed worse than the fibro.
BTW, life isn’t fair. But it can get better. Mine has.
Does it get worse if you have less physical activity like when just watching TV for a while ?
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