I’m having severe fear that someone is going to harm me because of that symptom so many things happened in my life stopped going to college and etc patients if you have same please reply me
almost every time i drive i have a fear i will get hit or i will be mind controlled to crash my car. that’s just one example. my mind always tries to talk me out of doing things i want to do. it has held me back from many opportunities in life. it made me ruin my business and now i make a little over minimum wage. close enough for ya?
a lot of times i feel things will harm me emotionally and sometimes physically
Well, it’s realistic to be a afraid because it’s possible that occasionally someone will cause you trouble. So you are facing reality. But as long as you take reasonable precautions and don’t start any trouble or bother anyone else than you should be OK.
Most people just want to have fun and do what they want and aren’t going around looking for trouble. Just don’t bother anyone and take reasonable care and be aware of your surroundings and most likely no one will go out of their way to hurt you.
I know nothing about your background but if you stop and think for a minute, how many actual acts of violence have you seen? Not very many I bet. It’s not like there’s a fight on every street corner, right? I lived in one of the worst areas in my city and in 5 years I only got threatened a few times with violence and I only saw about three fights between strangers. Violence is not as common as you may think in most areas. Just excert common sense and you should be OK.
I grew up very paranoid of the world, and was living on edge for about 18 years (23 now), a “certain person” would whip me with their belt and beat me like a slave at the age of 3. This “person” also threatened to kill me with “their” gun at the age of 4 ( I hid in the closet as “they” held “their” gun looking for me) (only 2 examples I can go on forever).
Now that I’m 23 I’ve come a long way. My life has been a healing journey. I don’t experience intense paranoia, anxiety, depression, or on-edge feelings but still experience them, mildly.
I am an INFP on the Meyers Briggs personality test. (introvert, intuitive, feeler, perceiver). These people tend to be very sensitive, which I am. I also have mirror-touch-synesthesia. Pisces. (zodiac skeptic).
I experience very intense emotions due to all of this. When I’m scared. I’m scared.
But I have pushed myself to become a stronger person. (stronger as in blocking emotions/ feelings).
I’ve been facing my fears to get over them, now I’m not so scared of world.
What did I do to get over the fear of the unknown? (not recommended)
walk in the forest at night with no flashlight.
experiencing darkness by becoming part of its mystery.
constantly wondering if something was looking at me within the blackness.
nothing would ever happen.
I would also go to the cemetery at night.
Now I’m not so scared.