Fear of home invasion

Does anyone else experience paranoia at night time and fear their home getting broke into?

I kind of do. But it’s just a minor fear not enough of a fear to cause me distress or anything.

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I’m glad it’s not severe for you. It’s becoming debilitating for me. I can’t get it out of my head


Bump 151515151515

I don’t worry about it much, but I do keep a baseball bat by the bed

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I had severe paranoia about home intruders. The best solution is a med adjustment. Call your pdoc and schedule an appointment.

In the meantime look up breathing exercises and other ways to manage anxiety. Anxiety and paranoia feed off of each other and if you can keep your anxiety down it may help with the paranoia.


I don’t live in the best neighborhood either so it makes me worry.

I just got added Zyprexa a week ago.

Not sure that it’s working yet

I do every night. I worry so much that I’m seeing a therapist for it. And other things.

Are you on any meds.

Yessssssss!!! 15

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I don’t have anything of value at home for anyone to want that bad to come iin, my divorce took care of that.
…it’s okay tho,…it’s a good thing.

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Sorry to hear about your divorce.

i have that thought paranoid since teenager, i was terribly afraid of the night for years because of that.
Now i can deal better with it

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Don’t be sorry, it was needed, and we are actually better friends now than when we were married.

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Funny how things work out like that sometimes

What did you do to deal with it better?

It sucks. 151515151

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I do not trust anyone in my area after what they have put me through.
I have 24/7 security cameras up around the entire house, which has helped so much with peace of mind and I haven’t caught anything weird on them either.
Plus I was loosing things in the house for days and be stressed someone broke in and stole it only to find out a few days later I just misplaced it. So the cameras help with stress and parinoia when I misplace things also.
I also dead blot my door and put a chair under the knob every night I’ve lived here for two years and dowling wood in all windows. So boom… Come for me… :-1: #dontactually #nooffence