You know how they are painted up at times in our culture, like monsters, mysterious and powerful. Something to fear, as if they could devour/shatter your soul just in the presence of a real one.
How do you think you’d respond if you were in the presence of an alien?
I’m surprised by this because it really used to freak me out… but after having several dreams where I had to break that fear and reach out and touch the aliens I’m no longer scared of it at all.
What do you mean “if”? I think I know… Although what other people call aliens, I call angels and demons, so maybe I don’t know how I would react to beings actually from another planet. Hopefully with respect and curiosity.
I hope we never meet aliens. If they’re more advanced, they’ll eat us, if they’re less advanced, we’ll eat them. It’s going to end up in somebody’s restaurant either way.
Same, I was raised to believe that aliens are really demons in disguise, so I’m not sure I could really ever react to aliens, as my mind would immediately think DEMONS and then that’s what I’d be reacting to.
I think they’d possibly come in a form undetectable to our best technological advances. They could be along side us and we’d never know. If they got here before we got to their planet or wherever they live, they’re probably smarter and we’re like primitive civilizations compared to them.
Once, I thought I was abducted and had one of those “out of body” hallucinations and afterwards I was like, “man, well, that’s a good case for being a vegan.” I suddenly felt compassion for ‘lower’ entities that we eat as carnivores, having hallucinated that I was manhandled like livestock. i still eat meat, fyi, but now I feel guilty while chomping on my steak
Yeah… They’d basically have to have faster than light travel… Which just seems impossible to me. At that level of understanding and manipulating the universe who knows what could be done.
I really doubt they are here though.
Someone the other day was trying to make me consider that they are. My mind was just screaming “nonsense” inside…
That’s one way of looking at it, wouldn’t surprise me.
Once in a delusional state I thought I saw a picture of an alien, looked evil. Crazy day’s. Highly sensitive to things when I’m in a delusional state. Thought’s at the time crossing my mind were is it bullet proof. Looked bad. Not thinking if it can make it here it’s more than capable of destroying the planet.
Very badly, I am certain. It would trigger me like nothing has triggered me before. I am likely the worst possible person for mankind to rely on in a First Contact scenario.
well, hopefully you won’t find yourself making little mountains out of your mashed potatoes with your fork any time soon! (reference “Close encounters of the third kind” movie from a long time ago)