Favorite place to eat

Korean baby! I love me some spicy beef ricecake :yum:

Mmm those are great too. Nigiri is awesome.
Unagi is good you should try it next time you go out. It’s eel with really good sauce :sushi:

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I’ve heard eel is really good I really need to try it! lol maybe ill treat myself later :smiley:

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In the park with my son in the summer. Or next best thing, in winter, in one of our favorite places in town. There is an Italian coffeebar/restaurant where we go for coffee or Italian lunch. The people are superfriendly to my son and he always gets free cookies there, so he loves it there. There is another place where we go and drink coffee or have lunch. They have huge couches to sit comfortably and games to play. And then another Italian where we have dinner sometimes and my son can make his own pizza!

This question made me happy, thinking of our favorite places and having good times together.

One of my favorite places to eat is a vape lounge. There’s video games and dabs and tons of weed and edibles and music and a kitchen and cats! (Also they have an endless loop of cute cat videos on YouTube) You can order stoner deep fried food there, it’s not fancy or anything but it’s so good when you’ve got the munchies. Also endless cucumber water that you grab yourself (which is nice for people with social anxiety)

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Toby Keith’s restaurant in OKC. U S A…that’s oklahoma city to those who can’t figure out the abbreviation…my favorite food I love to eat fortunately is my own cajun cooking…can’t beat it. It’s because I use Paul Prudhomme’s cookbook. Lousiana Kitchen @anon54386108 might want to get that cookbook.

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Oooo I miss that place. I lived in USA and so many good places to eat there. That is a good one.

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I miss some American restaurants. Bennihanas. Red Lobster. Soup Plantation.

Here in the UK I’ll go for an Indian in my home town at a place I love called the khyber cafe. Or my mums house. She cooks amazing.

My parents dinner table! Can’t beat a nice low-key family dinner.

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Red Robin is like a birthday tradition for me. So I’d say that’s my favorite. But I love In-N-Out.

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