Favorite month?

i like May the most, it’s warm but not too warm, not as much rain as april. then i like October and November, sweater weather and relief from a hot summer.

what is your favorite month?


I like May and October, too. In October the foliage in Oklahoma reaches its peak coloration. Also, it is the football season, and we get to watch the Oklahoma Sooners play football. I like May for the same reasons you do. I even like the tornado warnings. When I was little any time we had a tornado warning the whole neighborhood would go to this nursing home because it had a deep basement. The kids would all be in their pajamas, and it was kind of like a social event. I’ve never been in a real tornado, though, thank goodness.

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i always like a good storm also. a lot of times i go sit out on the porch and watch it unless it gets real bad. we are in a valley here so most of the time tornadoes don’t touch down here but it has happened before. mom and dad are right across the street and they have a safe room in the basement, they call if the weather is going to get worrisome.

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I like this month, march. A little rainy, chilly, sunny sometimes.

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I live in the great white North, what ever month is warm is my favorite,“subject to change without notice” :stuck_out_tongue:


December because, in California, it’s the month it actually gets cold. Because living in this state involves oppressive heat, as the sun has pumped itself with Schwartzenegger’s special formula and works out an obscen 8-9 months of grueling, tedious uphill desert hiking with a chinful of dried jalapenos and crackers.

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Weather wise I would say October because that’s when it cools down from summer and you get that chill in the air and the leaves falling and the wind blowing but unfortunately it often means symptoms for me so it’s bittersweet. Mood wise I would have to say February when the days start to get longer again and you can sense Spring coming.

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For me its June, I love summer sun! Days are longer too!


I love May the most as it’s nearly winter here in Cape Town, and nice and cold. I love autumn and winter the best. May also happens to be my birthday month :blush:

After May my favourite other months are June and July.

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