Fatigued all day

Hello, i am trying to figure out why i am fatigued all day long.

Its not the medication. The only thing i do is vaping high nicotine and drinking coffee.

I did a blood test and nothing is wrong with me.

What is causing this?

Can you add exercise?

Negatives and depression made me so out of kilter with the world. I just sat around all day. I got an idea and bought a simple fitness tracker. Built up to 10km’s of walking a day…Now I’m jogging 5 km’s and have so much more energy.

It’s not easy and takes some investment but it helps.


I am fat but i am very active exercising. I try to do a minimum of 20 mins of walking a day.

My doctor said lots of water and exercising…

I am thinking right now it might be the high nicotine. I feel better when i drink water or go for long walks.


Hello!I’m fatigued too.I can’t clean my apartment and I have to shower only 2 or 3 times per week due to this.My mother has to come to clean with me.
My boyfriend left me because one of these things.

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Negative symptoms and depression can feed these things. Important to keep on top of the medications and it’s still something to be proactive about. Check with your regular gp but try exercise that raises your heart rate. You can still walk…but walk briskly for it to matter.

There’s two issues…negative symptoms and the associated desire to keep doing things…Keep on top of both.


You could try l-carnosine to give you a bit of energy. It’s been in a trial for schizophrenia with good results on negative symptoms. It gives me a boost

I take Wellbutrin against fatigue and depression. It helps.

What kind of walking? Leisurely walks? Power walks? Brisk walks?

If your just out walking for recreation and not fitness you may want to increase your pace and this will overtime increase your endurance. If that is the problem… idk…

Power walks. I walk really fast =D

I should also say to anyone else that is fatigued you should use a medication called Modafinil.

Modafinil is a energy booster used for people who work night shift.

Its actually really amazing. I used it to stay awake long hours working out and i lost 70 pounds doing that.

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Is the coffee dehydrating you?

no its the vaping dehydrating me.

I’m not necessarily fatigued. I just lack motivation. It’s probably from sitting around doing nada the last six years.

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I tried welbutrin for about 8 months. Started at 150 then up to 200 then 300 then 400.
It didnt help my motivation. Sometimes i was even more unmotivated than normal and wpuld just sit and stare at the wall. It gave me sound sensitivity/ sensory overload around 400.

But its different for everyone hopefully it helps give you more motivation.
Give yourself some small goals to take action on

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