Fascinating fact I heard....!

In the psychiatric field there is no such thing as normal

Iā€™m pretty sure anyone can experience similar things. Itā€™s just not chronic and it doesnā€™t affect their life

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There is no such thing as ā€˜ā€˜normalā€™ā€™ people imo

ā€œNormalā€ is the political status quo usually. Psychiatry can and has been used to enforce it.

I disagree.

Iā€™ve met tons of people that are super basic and seem like the same person Iā€™ve met over and over.

Thatā€™s normal.

My dad was career Navy, heā€™s normal and so were most of his peers.

If there was no normal, we wouldnā€™t have this diagnosis, it would just be life.

In my opinion, thereā€™s a baseline, a normal to compare to.


Wow, welcome back @naturallycured

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Iā€™m going to have to disagree too.

ā€˜Normalā€™ is when a population follows a bell-curve, or ā€˜normal distributionā€™. So whilst psychiatry might focus on the extreme end of the bell-curve, itā€™s still a bell-curve.

Other than the people who donā€™t think they need their meds.

Hi @Wave, thanks.

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I feel its a combination of all little conditions mould together makes a perfect person.
If I could have just one delusional with right aspect. I could have made a good progress.

Everybody knows the difference between normal and weird. You can claim thereā€™s no such thing as normal. Itā€™s a good point of view in theory but thereā€™s normalā€”and weird.

If they breed you get nerd.

Youā€™re welcome.

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