False connections in the brain

My first pdoc told me I make false connections in my brain. What did he mean? I make false and illogical thoughts due to sz?

What I was told, was that chemicals in the brain are being overproduced and leaking into parts of the brain they don’t normally go. This causes the invaded parts of the brain to fire neurons when they normally wouldn’t causing thoughts and experiences that wouldn’t normally exist.


Not sure, but it sounds like he was talking about delusional thinking?


Yea probably. 15

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I use to make false connections. Like if somebody said something and it reminded you of a thought you had recently you might believe they are reading your mind. Things like that I would imagine.

Another example might be that you hear something on the radio and because they say something that might apply to you, you assume that they are talking about you.

Stuff like that I guess.


I remember once when I was very psychotic I heard an ambulance nearby and then I saw a street sign that said “rushholme” and I thought my sight was being directed to it because I thought that I should “rush home” because the ambulance was headed to my house. Weird stuff.


Oh I get stuff like that all the time when I’m not on meds


Maybe what the doctor was saying was rewire your brain, as in tricking it, put your attention on something else.

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The chemical unbalance hypothesis is pretty outdated but something brainy and neurony that we don’t really understand that well is definitely going on.


I know of loose associations. It’s making a connection that doesn’t really exist. Like connecting two things that don’t really have a connection.

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You basically take two pieces of information, and connect them in a way that is delusional, meaning that particular opinion is not rational.

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I’ve heard the connections theory before, but it’s just a theory. It seems like szs are connecting things or making connections between things that are unrelated, but how exactly the brain works in that way is still a mystery.

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I’m skeptical about the brain making false connections on its own. In my experience something happens where ability to reason in affected and I make the false connections consciously and also lose the ability to question them. I’m not satisfied with “brain making false connections” on its own, it seems like something more is going on there.

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