Hi. I’ve been taking driving lessons one hour a week for 7 months.
I passed my theory first time. When I began driving I found it very difficult and I found that I don’t think my instructor liked me that much as social difficulties and communication come along with schizophrenia and all of that. But we are ok now.
I am driving well. And I went in for my test. He said I was ready. I live in quite a rural area but there is a town with some nasty round abouts double ones and obviously the dual carriageway just outside that you get on the test routes.
So it started out fine. But the lady started chatting to me a bit. I answered her questions. Then I guess I felt perhaps she thought I was rude. But I really did not intend to come across this way at all.
The next thing, all we did for 50 minutes were major roads no less than 50 miles an hour unless approaching round abouts etc. It had me exhausted. The only time we went into a neighbor hood was to do the manovor which I made a mess of
Throughout the entire thing she was ticking and ticking and ticking off minors and I had no idea what for. It all started off I think because perhaps she saw me as rude
Also I messed up on he dual carriage way behind a large van carrying hay
I feel very bad. Afraid. I feel perhaps this must be how I come across and I come across mean and she wanted to teach me a lesson.
Loads of people fail first time. It’s not the end of the world. You’ll do better next time. Like @Erratica says, see if you can find out what your mistakes were.
I failed my first test bad. The examiner had to reach over and pull on the handbrake! Was still convinced that was only a small thing - wrong. Instant fail.
Passed my second test with ease though. They say failing your first test makes you a better driver in the long run.
I failed the first time and didn’t get my license until I was 23. I wasn’t ready before that. Next time, try to relax and not worry what the tester is thinking or feeling (who cares!) Just drive like you know how to drive. Best of luck! ️
Thanks for the replies and sorry I have not got back sooner I have had lots going on lately.
I appreciate the replies
I am trying to take in your words and also the fact that it’s a difficult test here in the UK and also driving manually. And also I just have an hour a week. I keep telling myself this.
I am older as a leaner (32) as I couldn’t afford to learn younger during univeristy and then I lived abroad for a few years and have been unwell during periods of this.
Anyway this town is fairly new to me as my return to the UK has not been that long ago. And my family live here now. It’s not helping my sense of direction
I have changed driving instructor one that works with a friend of mine who has special needs and others with similar problems as I think perhaps he won’t be pushing for me to take my test and perhaps have a little bit more patience until i feel confident on the roads here and know them.