Facebook making me crazy(er)

I have only 80 friends, most of whom I know personally either through college, family, or gym mates. I am politically active and I get defriended a lot for that, but that’s not going to change anytime soon. I like the constitution and I want to shout that from the rooftops–without it there would be no protection for us sz’s. but i digress…

I don’t add people anymore. They’re either pervs wanting pics or random people or fake profiles anyways. Maybe that’s just my paranoia talking, I don’t know anymore. The last person I added was someone whose friend request I ignored for like a month but then it dawned on me she was my best friend in high school so I added her.

I’m pretty enmeshed with facebook. I don’t post for likes, I usually post for promoting equality or just a pic of my cat to share because I love him so much. I get my news off facebook and keep in touch with relatives through there, so I am kind of latched on to it.

I do lead a double life on fb, though. Only maybe 2-4 people know my sz, my hospitalizations as a 5150, all that mess. My facebook profile is like a college educated, politically active person. I hide my mental illness for the most part. Never deactivated it, but I got a late start with facebook. Was not on social media until like 2011, so my entire 20’s was off the grid lol (thank goodness, I was an actively psychotic paranoid sza during that decade).

The only reason I even keep my facebook is to talk to friends who are still in the military that I served with.

Other than that – I find the site pretty pointless!!

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I used to go to Facebook and see pictures of my friends and family. Now it seems I just see advertisements. Don’t scroll through it too much anymore. It’s more of a newsfeed:advertising site than it is a social media site now

That’s my opinion anyway

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