Hey guys, how are things in usa? My heart goes out to you americans
It’s rough but we will get through.
Welcome to the forum. We don’t allow political discussion, so while we can let you know we are ok or worried, etc,we can’t go into specifics.
If you need help, tag a moderator. Just type the @ sign, then our names.
The mods are myself (@DearZombie) @Ninjastar @Moonbeam @rogueone
Welcome to the forum
Hey @brainzz i see youre a moderatoe now .nice.
Welcome to the forum
Thank you guys. I will not stay. To manny memories. I was just checking on you guys
who did you used to be?
Hey, you seem really familiar. Were you here before under a different name?
heyyy, nijaaa starr! yes i was. how are you doing? still keeping the forum sane haha
Well, it is good to see you again. What was your old name? Were you Flag/Jedi/formalname? And you changed your name like a thousand times?
hey, you have such a good memory, i wonder about jedi also. i was going by crocodal, i think i was a mess last time i was here but this forum helped
Hi! Things are a little scary here in the states.
Hopefully by tomorrow though we’ll know who the presidential winner is.
I’m just glad the election is over and neither side was humiliated. A close battle.
goood to see you too!! do you rememeber me?everything is foggy from that period for me. i hope were ok
Crocodal!!! Even my autocorrect remembers your name!!!
It is so good to hear from you again!
hahah!!! thank you i feel the same way!!! what youve been up to?
Um since you last saw me, I am now a parent! Mr. Star and i started fostering and we have had 5 kids so far. One is grown up and out of the house, one is about to be adopted by us, and the others went back home. Saying goodbye to the ones who left was hard, because I love them all, but I am beyond grateful to still have my other 2.
wow! congratulation on becoming a parent!!! it must be hard on all of you to say good bye after being so close.
i know this has been a dream of yours. its amazing how dreams become reality.
and you will be a parent with all the paper works?
It truly is. I have a big happy family now! My oldest came to us at 19 and moved out 8 months later, so our time together was brief,but they still call or text almost every day.