Extremely unproductive day

I mostly lazed around and drank tea while watching crap TV. There are lots of videos of shoplifters getting TASERED on Youtube. They’re awesome. Also been binge watching the old Avengers TV show. I did manage to get my huge power bar in place behind the downstairs TV and sorted the wiring some. The plasma and lava lamps are now on top of the speakers as well, flanking the TV. The mancave is coming together for winter.


Sounds good. Winter is right around the corner. Dad and I are splitting wood and stacking in the basement.

Looking forward to winter bc then all the tourists go home to wherever they came from and we can have our town back.

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Hmm. . .

Since You Mentioned It Sorta.

I Might Jus Sit Back. Relax. And Comfortably Enjoy The Song, ‘TV SNOW’.

By None Other, Then The Most Gorgeously Beautiful…, PAZ LENCHANTIN!.

May I Thank You For The Suggestion?. @shutterbug

Bias lighting in place on the flat screen, plus the plasma and lava lamps have been deployed with extreme prejudice.

Getting there.



Can you come decorate my bathroom? Home entertainment and ambience in a location where it is needed most.


It really is beautiful for what you did. I’m mildly jealous.

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Everyday I have off seems to go this way

Generally I don’t do well with time off, but I am trying hard to change that!

Looks like you did a good job on the entertainment setup :slight_smile:

The lighting looks cool

What might look good is an aftermarket ambient-light on the TV that mirrors the colours on the screen

My parents Phillips TV has it. You can get it separately

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Linda Thorson was nowhere near as good as Diana Rigg.

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That earns you an AMEN.

Still tweaking the cave’s lighting. Disco lamp has been deployed.

Waiting for a few eBay orders to arrive.



Your day looks more productive than my average day.

That looks really impressive.

The point of the area is to be as productively unproductive as possible.

I’ve got a few lamps and some more signs on the way. Some aren’t expected until October, darn it. Couldn’t get them from anywhere other than China, unfortunately.


sweet! This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed, but it’s the first time I’m mentioning it, You aren’t the typical male, are you?

They typical males in my junior high school pounded that into me regularly.

With their fists.

Curious as to how you perceive me as being different? Other than my fabulous bacon quiche?


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Sweet set-up man!

I didn’t do much today either. Just went grocery shopping this morning for a few things and watched a DVD I got from the library.

We’re under a heat advisory until Thursday night. :-1:

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That explains a lot of my days off too :100:

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the eye for detail

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My “mancave” (really my folks’ basement). Not as nice as yours @shutterbug, but it’s my own space and I enjoy being down here.


I see nothing wrong! That’s a bangin’ audio setup, mate.


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The rug ties everything together




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