Extended belly Vs Evened out fat

I’ve noticed some patients that take medication, antipsychotics ie, have a tendency to have extended bellies. I used to be slim and fit but with time and medication I developed an extended belly. I see more in ‘normals’ an even out of the fat throughout the body.

Anybody noticed this? Or is this only some casual or genetic\age related issue?

Yes belly sticks out and causes me embarrassment
I work at charity shop now over a year and if I had a penny for each customer makes a remark about how far gone I am I would be living in an apartment overlooking the ocean with a pool and a butler


Yeah. I’ve noticed this in other patients too. It’s embarrassing for a woman as well it is not aesthetic for men either.

Yeah I got big belly (covered in stretch marks cos the clozapine made meat LOADS)

I have always suffered with a bloated stomach. It helps people like you for less superficial reasons but is tough to put up with when people are judging you by appearances only… typically when you are young…

I lost weight but it’s difficult to get rid of the belly fat - AP’s like Risperdal are the culprit