I mean it happens every year.
By that I mean every year the special van the postman has to lay on, to carry my hundreds and hundreds of cards, breaks down and I end up getting none.
This is the only plausible explanation I can think of…
I mean it happens every year.
By that I mean every year the special van the postman has to lay on, to carry my hundreds and hundreds of cards, breaks down and I end up getting none.
This is the only plausible explanation I can think of…
If I got valentine card I’d report it to the cops.
Hahahaha! Made me chuckle
Woohoo!! 151515
Air mail lol
If it wasn’t for the darned confidentiality rule, I would mail you one!
I even have one more global rate stamp left!
It was the lunar new year for us so we got lots of good food instead.
Been debating weather to send one to the ex-wife, but decided against it - im sure she will think im pushing boundary’s.
Don’t think im weird - but i might just send one to my daughter, telling her, her dad loves her, and chuck a couple of ton in notes with it. Bless her heart.
Shes got a boyfriend - and so she should at 23, but mums been going along to the dates with them, as a chaparone in the distance, cos the fellas autistic as well. Bless.
He bloody well, better make her happy - or this father might have a few choice words lol!
(no i probably wont :p)
Ahh jimbob I’ll be your Valentine hahaha
Ooo Jim looks like you got a secret admirer
Jim bob - Dont worry, ive had bugger all cards for years myself.
You notice how the florists suddenly put their prices up for red roses as well? And when your with your partner out to dinner, they come in and guilt trip you into buying a rose for a tenner in front of your woman - so you feel obliged to buy one? lol.
90% of the day - is a money making scheme.
Every year, I say Happy Friends Valentines to each member on this forum. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one or are feeling particularly lonely, remember we are here for each other.
Thank you that’s very sweet of you and I’m grateful
J Bob!
It’s hard being a sexy beast isn’t it? All these hunnies fighting over us?
That made me lol @everhopeful
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