Exercise and Weight Loss Group

Hell yeah dude. I can tell by what you said about mirror free living and the activities you do you are for sure a more adventurous spirit. Or person, if you don’t beleive in that stuff

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If you are too drástic, you Will gain the Weight Over and Over again. This os what i tell to myself lately. Trying to reduce portions


Did 65 pound barbell workout today. Bench press flat wide grip, close grip, reverse grip. Then curled it wide and close grip. 4/5 days this week were “heavier” lifting

Gonna shoot for 2 days rest now


I’ve been walking for 45 minutes every morning with my mom for over a week now. We go about two miles. I don’t think I’ve lost any weight though my stomach feels tighter. Its the highlight of my day.


Got back and biceps today. Rear delt, side delt and traps.

Going for a walk soon.

I need more fibre in my diet. And more vegetables.

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Nice dude! One thing that can help with that is commit to having one bowl of vegetables every day. It’s one thing I sometimes put on my checklist.

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Gonna do a lot of walking today.

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Why do u want to lose weight, you are fit man

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Thanks i appreiate your comment! I do have a lot of belly fat tho. On a s side note the walking is not for exercise just gotta go somewhere today.

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Oh ok, Some fat ain’t bad all these beauty standards and stuff kinda ruined my self image

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Yea I hear you hmm all these social media guys are on steroids. And that’s not just me hating. It genuinely is the truth. It’s an epidemic. There’s so many performance enhancing drugs these days. 99.9% of people you see with a ridiculous body is taking something, even if it’s just peptides and sarms and stuff which I think are not technically “steroids” per se but still unnatural performance enhancing drugs.


For sure, it is really bad for the youth I think. U also see a lot of “transformation” fotos and videos which i don’t trust

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Yea dude. A lot of people are using body editing apps. Do a search for it in the app store. They instantly make your waist look smaller and your muscles look bigger. Even in videos. Peoples perception of what exercise and diet alone can do is deeply skewed.


I did 11,000 steps today. Really good exercise.

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Bumpin threadddd

50 barbell squats, stiff leg deadlifts some other lifts.
Walked to park with doggy brother and cousin and ran a little.

I didn’t run too much distance, but it was good effort. Also felt way easier this time. I wasn’t all dead by the end of it, was a breeze there and on the way back to house.


sick with cold, hopefully will be good to workout tommorrow. gained 2.5 kgs on holiday. finally got the food to get back on track with vegan meal plan

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Ive been going for 20-30 minute jogs early most mornings. About half an hour after i wake up. Love running with the sunrise. Ive also been having more control of myself with food. Havent had fast-food takeout in ages. And cooking healthyish meals a lot. And generally just eating until i dont feel hungry, instead of eating until i feel super full. I was living a bit of a binge-eating, junk food inhaling and sedentary lifestle for a few years there until this year.
I was 110kgs in december last year. Now im around 90kgs and not losing or gaining anymore. Just sort of maintaining. But i am a 6ft 3 male so 90kgs is the higher end of a healthy weight im pretty sure! So glad about all this. :slightly_smiling_face:


I stopped going gym. The only fitness I get is a 15 minute walk to my parents when I can be bothered


Just started working out again, I did 60 minutes on an indoor cycle in my house while on my iPad (burned 400 calories).

Gonna start indoor cycling everyday while on my iPad / iPhone.

Currently have a dad bod and Trying to get back to this :

Can’t wait :stuck_out_tongue:

Just Got motivated again after not to long ago losing 5 pounds.

Also Gonna start lifting weights once this lifetime gym next to my house is finished getting built.
Until then I’m just gonna do cardio.
I don’t care about muscles that much I just want abs.

We’re all gonna make it.

Good luck :four_leaf_clover::+1:


-zyzz hell yeah bro

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