Exercise and Weight Loss Group

Have had a lot of success controlling my diet recently. Hardly eating which I’m proud of and also been working out everyday. I’m sure I’ll be happy with my results in a week or two.

Another 3 3-4 min rounds of the boxing bag!

I truly hope it is working, ran it past the doctor she didn’t advise against it so yeh!

Guess what I was doing today?


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I started walking with my mom in the morning. We do almost two miles. The weather has been a lot better. I get some exercise from mowing and cleaning.

I’m working out the arm/elbow I broke by throwing my hackey sack up to the ceiling and catching it. Kinda an ancillary benefit to what originally I was just gonna do for fun while I lay here.

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I have an urge to get out in nature. I haven’t in a long time. My brother in law talked about how once the kids are old enough we’re all gonna go camping. I’m looking forward to it. Water for me is calming as well. Looks enjoyable.


Visiting at my mom’s with my brother. cousin came over with his barbell and weight set 100 pounds. Did some 100 pounds overhead press, deadlifts and rows. Then some 70 pound curls and other lifts.

Then we swam after at night to cool down, was awesome.

Sisters coming over with her boyfriend tomorrow too gonna have a ton of people over mom’s making stuffed green chili sopapias with beans and rice. Should be littt

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Worked out with cousin today, trying to do less cardio for more muscle gains

Tricep cable pushdowns pyramid sets, 50, 70, 90, 70, 50 pounds, 30 pound dumbbells curls, cross over curls, isolation curls

Then later did a 15 pound plate workout, around the world’s, curls, raises, rotations, tricep extensions, drop with one hand catch on way down with other

70 pound slightly bent rows, lifts to overhead press position no overhead press, then back down

Probably more idk can’t rmember



I’m in the slightly overweight zone now because I totally have NOT been counting my calories, due to the fact that I was on vacation. So, as of today, I’m back at it.

Since I’ve been very sick with a bad cold, malaise, fever, chills and all for the last two weeks, I haven’t been able to exercise properly either. I begin again today.


I look awful, but what the hell…



Finished the day in the pool for a good hour or two. We were doing whirlpools forever so going around it as fast as we could. Occasionally switch direct and try and swim against the current

My cousin’s a savage too he loves to wrestle, he got my last time but this time I almost drowned him 5 times. Yesss!! Lol

I also noticed him getting winded way easier than me and he’s lean and pretty fit

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Just got back from holiday, where i put on 2.5 kgs weight… im slowly getting back on track and feel positive about it.

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You may not look like a top notch athlete but that looks amazingly fun. Respect :+1:

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Man, I’m not even bottom notch.


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Hey @Shhh

Figured you might like it. Doing 15 kph according to the GPS.


Sounds like a good workout bro. You have a lot of knowledge about exercise.

Bros living in an 8k video game :video_game:

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