Evolution of yard signs in suburbia (?)

This is happening in my township more and more. It’s not political anymore… it’s worthy of talking about, to me.

I’m wondering if it’s worldwide??

(I’m just honestly saying ‘hello’ here : ))

But also mean it too when I say I think the topic is part & parcel of the ‘Facebook mentality’ regarding bragging!

Like how it’s fashionable that you get about how you support local business, small business, and want to galvanize that in others… For your town?

Galvanizing causes is healthy, sure… but… it rubs me wrong of late while walking the dog…

I’d make a stronger case For what I’m saying but don’t want to identify where I’m from. Lololol

Just frightened a lot!!

And the yard sign thing reminds me of it, (FB) very much… it’s tacky, mostly, right?

And I’m scared with sz, a lot, and my past transgressions - all coming back to roost, ETC(!)(!) etc, EtC!!

As though people/neighbors/old friends won’t come to my house with Pitchforks aimed for stupid. old. little. me.

I’m not in a bad place, not meaning to trigger, but quite the contrary - am trying to share gripes so others can feel less alone, and sure, so I can feel less alone too.

SZ sucks, over and out. : )

As a general rule here, the more signs in the yard, the crazier the owner/renter of the property.


it’s like wanting say, We had money for new windows, and spreading the wealth to the passers-by.

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Huh? 1515151515

the only yard signs i see around here are ‘back the blue’ signs, i even saw a bumper sticker yesterday. unless it’s election season then people put their candidate of choice in their yard. sometimes a contractor will leave a sign in someone’s yard to advertise their work after they complete a job. you also see that occasionally.

i would say it’s less than 1% of houses that have a sign in their yard around here unless it’s election season. but it’s funny i do notice the people who put signs up even though they are well in the minority.


I hope @SkinnyMe is reading this.

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