And the yard sign thing reminds me of it, (FB) very much… it’s tacky, mostly, right?
And I’m scared with sz, a lot, and my past transgressions - all coming back to roost, ETC(!)(!) etc, EtC!!
As though people/neighbors/old friends won’t come to my house with Pitchforks aimed for stupid. old. little. me.
I’m not in a bad place, not meaning to trigger, but quite the contrary - am trying to share gripes so others can feel less alone, and sure, so I can feel less alone too.
the only yard signs i see around here are ‘back the blue’ signs, i even saw a bumper sticker yesterday. unless it’s election season then people put their candidate of choice in their yard. sometimes a contractor will leave a sign in someone’s yard to advertise their work after they complete a job. you also see that occasionally.
i would say it’s less than 1% of houses that have a sign in their yard around here unless it’s election season. but it’s funny i do notice the people who put signs up even though they are well in the minority.