Everything you perceive is created, creations cannot create

This is philosophy, try to discern, not judge, try, it is the word allowing you to fail, who are you, know thyself, creations cannot create.

Great, right when I was just starting to get used to creating great grapes and putting them in crates. Cripes! You burst that bubble.


…and on the 8th day god copied.

So work is determined by the one who creates, creations don’t manifest by themselves, creations are created, it is up to the will-pleasure of the one who creates, the accuracy of work is irrelevant.

Really normal stuff out of you of late. But still I’m sorry if you’ve been hurt before. I too, have been spoken to about energy in motion, (emotion). The example they give is being cut off on the road, it tends to stay with you.

Thanks nuance, resurrection, rebirth, and reincarnation are all possible, yet no amount of work will guarantee anything, it is all down to will-pleasure of the one.

You show enough or ‘put together enough’ that proves you have potential to be more of an asset on this site.

And problems often have opportunities attached. I know past “delinquents” (sometimes) become skilled authority figures. I have a fictional and non fictional example in mind.

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