Everything i do is for the funeral

i hope to have lots of people at my funeral, telling funny stories about me. hopefully a few tears will be geniunely shed from people who will miss me. the truth is i will probably have a few people at my funeral. probably my sisters and their kids i expect to outlive me, maybe some of my niece’s and nephews.

hopefully i will have a peacefull piece of land where one of my sisters can deposit my ashes.

then i will be reborn, hopefully with recall of the past, so i don’t make the same mistakes twice.


I hope they don’t waste any money on me. Just cremate me and throw the ashes somewhere under a big Maple tree or something. If your going to spend any money spend it on stuff you need.


I don’t have any heirs. My throne will be empty after I pass. I don’t want to be reborn into this world. Hopefully there are other planes of existence where suffering becomes impossible.


I just want to be donated to science. When they’re done with the body they cremate what’s left and send it back to the family.


Me I will have my brothers, maybe some of my cousins. I don’t have friends.

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I believe I am going to heaven anyway after death. I don’t really care about my funeral but I think my little brother might make one.

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I’m an organ donor. After that, my family can do with they want with my body. Funeral planning is part of the grieving process.


الجنة Is that the correct word? I’ve been studying Arabic for more than a year and I still am not able to write most words in it. I know dog KLB and heart QLB and mother Um.


Yes these are correct.


I’m torn between what I think is the more sensible—cremation—and being laid out in makeup, church clothes and formaldehyde and then buried in a wooden casket. The second one appeals to my fascination with grotesqueness and the macabre, but it’s also more expensive.

I definitely want a creepy old headstone though.


I don’t care what happens at my funeral. I’ll be dead, so who cares. I’m selfish in that respect.

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I don’t know if I want to be buried or cremated. I guess cremation saves some earth space. But idk.

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I want finality. I want to be cremated and my ashes spread. Don’t want a gravestone

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I want to be fed to lions when I die


Lol I think the same sometimes, I have LOTS of meat, 300lb.


Damn, I want to be buried under a pyramid with 20 virgins, 5 camels, and three tons of gold.

I want people to sing my praise’s and tell great stories about me for a thousand years afterwards.


What have you got against lions?


I’m an organ donor, so they can go nuts harvesting what they can, then after that I wish to be cremated. What happens after that I don’t care. Spread my ashes somewhere or hold onto them, I don’t mind.

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I would donate my brain to study the negative symptoms of schizophrenia but my parents and brothers don’t want me to do that, they’re Christian.


I wouldn’t personally. It’s just me though. I’m kind of selfish and extremely paranoid about that crap. I used to be an organ donor. But I’m honestly delusional and afraid that I would have my mind uploaded to a computer or be resurrected or be put in a simulation of some kind.

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