Everything good happens unexpectedly

Why does everything good in life come when you least expect? Should I not expect anything good but in a way if I don’t expecting something good, nothing good will come. How do u be unexpecting?

You try to be content with how things are now.


I think the problem here is that if you’re expecting it, you’re not seeing it as good, but as neutral, how it should be. Plenty of good things are expected - favorite meals, listening to music you know you like, talking to people you enjoy, the feel of a comfortable bed, playing a game you like. Start noticing those things.


i am a great follower of what the old saying ‘if you do good you’ll get it back in spades’ some say it is 7 times or 77 times but whatever it is you’ll hit the jackpot every time as long as you help others they will appreciate that and want to help back ‘do unto others as they would do unto you’ meaning ‘be good and you will get good back’ once you start believing you can do it then you will do it. (hopefully) :slight_smile: