Everyone's an actor

I’m just a regular person Moon, but if it will make you feel better, I am definitely not a demon.

Sounds like something a demon would say

Cmon, Moon you’ve known me for quite awhile. Remember when you were nervous on your walk home and I tried to help you relax? Would a demon do that?


None of us are acting…

Hey, Moon. When do you talk to your pdoc next? Do you have a PRN that can help you feel better? We all care about you and just want you to feel safe. It sounds like you don’t feel safe, like you feel targeted. We are all just normal people: me, you, Bowens, everybody else.

It’s definitely not a simulation. I saw 3 different doctors, today, for ME. My issues. If I was an actor, why would I have done something centered on me? And there were lots of other people at the hospital, all there for THEM. You’re not being targeted, I promise. We’re all living separate lives, doing separate things, things that don’t involve you.


Just leave me alone please. Don’t come around my house or follow me anymore.

Reasoning! With demons! Come on Matthew, you’re smarter than this.

I’m too busy hiding in my house from the people who follow me to bother following you!


I don’t want to add to your trigger but I feel the same way sometimes. Just today, the brain scientists talked to me (in my head) for the first time in months. I have also felt that everyone is ‘in on it’ but, in my case, I believe they are behaving authentically (hatefully). I hope you feel better soon, Moon.

Everyone wants me to believe it’s all in my head.

Because there’s a larger plot going on.

No, Moon. Everyone is just trying to help you to understand the truth. I’m not sure what can be said to convince you of that though. If you want to talk to me, you can pm me or message me in this thread.

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Moon, can you at least talk to your pdoc? Regardless of whether they are an actor, they will help you. That’s all that matters. Even if you don’t trust anyone right now, can you please tell your pdoc about what you’re thinking? Just tell them. Even if they are acting, which they are not, they will do what is best for you.


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Can’t trust friends. Partner. Family. You guys. No one.

Demons making me want to take my own life.

I don’t want to die.

I think I need toto get the demons off my back

I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t want to die

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I’m not sure how to help you Moon. Would you like the Suicide and Crisis numbers? Maybe you should call 911.

I’m going to list them just in case you want to call someone:

If you are feeling suicidal or having a mental health crisis, please tell someone — a friend or family member, a teacher, a doctor or therapist or call 911 (if you’re in the U.S.) or the Emergency Medical Services phone number in your country.

You can also call a crisis intervention hotline—these are available in the U.S. and in many other countries. You do not need to be actively suicidal to benefit from a crisis hotline.

International crisis hotlines:

Crisis hotlines in the U.S.:

More resources:

I really think that you should talk to someone IRL to help ease your mind and calm you down.

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What’s that code for?