Everyone physically ill

My mom is in surgery right now. Well hopefully it’s over and she’s ok. She broke her wrist. I just hope it’s successful surgery and she’s not in too much pain. Although she was given hydromorphone. A pretty heavy duty pain killer. So I hope it’s not too bad. My mom is tough she’ll be ok

But My best friends brother who I’ve talked to and Im friends with too is 41 and they’re about to pull the plug on. Hes a very serious alcoholic. He’d have to live the rest of his life on a breathing tube in a nursing home. So they’ve decided this weekend after they say farewells they’re going to pull the plug on him.

And then his other brothers whole family got the delta variant of covid. And his dad was in the hospital for respiratory issues not named covid.

I feel bad for my friend. His brother dying, other brother delta variant and his 75 year old dad was in the hospital.

Freakin nuts rn.


I’m so sorry. That’s so stressful. How’s your mental health so far?

Better actually I think cuz just recently I snapped out of my delusions for good for real.

This is bothersome obviously but my mom had successful surgery so that’s good.

10 years of fighting delusions though and now I defeated it has had a positive impact on my life.

Completely unrelated to this, but the two overlap and so my mental health is OK overall I guess

If this post makes any sense

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It makes sense to me. I’m happy for you that your mental health is good. I hope it stays that way

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Sorry for all the sickness around you but I’m glad your mental health is improving.

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I’m sorry you’re going through so much.
I hope everything gets taken care of OK.

im sorry to hear that,my cousin also is sick.its bad for a lot people at moment.

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