EVERY BODY IS BEAUTIFUL. eating disorder short film


Brings back memories. The worst thing for me was the laxative abuse.

I gag at the very thought of laxatives now.

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Went into the video with a lot of bias, but was pleasantly surprised. Thanks for sharing!

I blame the fashion industry for eating disorders.

The average woman in the US has a 14-16 waist, but models are now expected to have a 0 waist (supposedly the clothes look better on tall, skinny models). We’ve seen this trend with Victoria’s Secret models over the years.

Women, and to a lesser degree men, have an unrealistic personification of beauty. Anorexia and bulimia have increased. So many women and girls are literally dying to be thin.


I haven’t purged in a long time. Like 20 years or more but I sure do binge.

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It’s hard watching this. Just brings back alot of memories. For me I think it was maybe linked to bullying, ostracism by my peers, bad sexual experiences and humiliation and shame. I still don’t understand it though. My psych said bulimia is a form of self harm. But I feel it goes much deeper than that. I don’t know why. It’s just so destructive. I mean you’re actually killing yourself. Makes my stomach turn recalling it all. And how utterly alone I felt as a younger person. Hard for others to understand too. So I have difficulty personally thinking it is just a vanity thing. And insecurity about not looking ‘good’. Seems a mixed bag of lots of troubles and not having anyway to know how to cope. I rarely if ever, had anyone step in and just say straight to me, what are you doing to yourself? Maybe thats what is needed, a straight talker saying hey, I can see what your doing, can you? I had to figure stuff out the hard way. Through alot of shocks and errors of judgment. I have had boughts of anorexia too. I think people tend to have some view thats its about… if I am thin things will be ok? My problems are solved? Or I am looking for attention. I still don’t get it. Some say theres a biological vulnerability to get eating disorders, like you are primed to get it. It’s a pretty dark disorder to have in anycase. I feel sad for those who suffer with it.

Its also a weird kind of catch twenty 2. As when your starving yourself through bulimia your depleting your body of nutrients, electrolites etc, so your running on empty, which helps set up the binge-purge cycle too. Also i think there is a ‘high’ you get from purging which is very painful at times. Which can set up an addiction too. Then theres your appearance changing which is slightly myopic and disordered perceptually in its own right. I dont know what comes first also, body dysmorphia or the eating disorder? Body dysmorphia has something to do with the left hemisphere of the brain not working correctingly apparently. But could be through trauma too I guess.

Yeah so I don’t personally get the feeling from this film that mirrors in anyway the hardness that someone suffering from an eating disorder goes through. Makes it seem rather superficial and silly. I think it can be real torture and very very dark.

I feel for people who have eating disorders. I’m what is considered obese but it doesn’t bother me. 3xl shirts and xl sweatpants for this Sweatpantslounger. I can understand how difficult it is to get yourself out of the mindset of problem eating because I’m an alcoholic who has been sober for quite some time now but it wasn’t easy. Peace :v:

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