I guess this more common in dp/dr, but sz also. I guess its like feelng nobody lives in your head,just a few ghosts and cobwebs. The ghosts can be interesting, but none are really you. Any advice to work through this. I found a holistic psychotherapist on youtube with some ideas.
Perhaps it is what I would call lack of clarity and confusion. I believe we work on that long term.
I think i understand.
Sure its that stuff, but its alot like being unconscious too.
To say or realize that you experience it that way, “being unconscious” is perhaps light on the issue. Perhaps that will help.
Not sure of the meaning of your sentence.
I went on for many years, perhaps 30, in which I was disconnected in my own head. All that time I never had the insight of what I was actually feeling. Then I read that you have the insight right now about your condition. Please tell me if that clears it up.
Yeah, I suppose. I went alot of life feeling dissconnected as well.
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