Eurovision 2016

So what did people make of this years Eurovision?

I didnt think that Ukraine was that good.

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Uhhh man don’t get me started… The weirdest shitty song contest ever… O.o
Buzz feed I think made an article about the weirdness of this year’s Eurovision.

And a guy on Twitter commented: I saw Australia on Eurovision. Everything is uncertain from now on.

Oh I and they got Justin Timberlake as a surprise guest and it was like throwback to 1992.

Just madness :upside_down:

Eurovision is fun! :grinning: I love it but I didn’t watch it this year. It’s boring to watch it alone so I ditched that ■■■■.

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She freaked me out man. :open_mouth:

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I dont watch it because of the time zone differences. I hear australia has been it it the last couple of years though. Which i wierd. But cool :sunglasses:

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Oh, This is interesting that Australians entered for Eurovision contest. I would be rooting for the Australian candidates. That’s fun!

I’d watch it if I could.

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