Essay topic ideas! Help?

I have to write an argumentative narrative for a college composition class and I would like to do something about my personal battle with schizophrenia but I’m not sure how to turn it to a point for an argument. Anyone have any ideas for that?:slight_smile:

I don’t know - (1.) maybe how devastating schizophrenia is to a person’s development, but that is pretty general (2.) maybe how debilitating the med’s can be, and why sz’s resent the med’s and stop taking them (3.) maybe the inadequacy of current facilities for sz’s, and how that makes our prisons de facto psychiatric facilities (4.) the strain of schizophrenia on care givers and family. If you want more ideas just ask.


What about the need for medicine rather than some people’s views of "drug " use? Or the views of sz being old world spiritual plague in contrast with modern ideas of chemical imbalance.

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How about an argumentative essay about how people suffering with a mental illness are still able to try and lead productive lives, attend college, and still pursue their dreams despite the personal battles that they endure? Just by being there at college you have won your argument, so no pressure there, you’ve proven your argument the moment you step into the classroom with your essay in hand.

peace be with you


How about the line at which one with SZ crosses to the point of someone needing to step in and take over/manage their lives for them?
If one functions well enough to get by, but not to the level other believe they should, how long do they allow the Sz person to remain without “help” if they never ask for help?

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Thank you everyone for your ideas!

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Argumentative narrative…what exactly does that mean? I am in college too and want to help with ideas

Wait isn’t that just a narrative which is arguing for a point?

I would say talk about a day in the life of what you go through. I’m sure with meds and side effects and having a thought disorder you have some interesting experiences every single day. Often horrific yet interesting. I know that I do.

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an argumentative narrative is a story, as in a narrative with a story that proves a point. Like a time where you saw injustice and want to prove why it was injustice to other people by explaining the story from your prospective. im not very good at explaining things but i hope that at least made some sense.

maybe why you should or shouldn’t be medicated?

That you’re not crazy but everyone else is. That your reality is the only one that matters and is real.