'Epidemic' of violence against transgender people sparks call for action

me and some friends helped some transgender people bring there coolers and food stand stuff down to the beach.
one of them gave us free hot dogs. I said ‘thanks dude’. and my buddy gave me this glare and said that was so rude lol. cuz it was a guy changing to a female.

I didnt even think about that im so oblivious , i say dude to everyone :smile:

the free hotdogs were great!

a politically oblivious levelJ1 :raising_hand_man:

As someone who is trans, if i could I would not be trans. I was happy before the transition yes. I think I had better relationships but then came the fact, and yes I say this, mental disorder now known as GD (gender dysphoria) brought back all the things I was able to hide for so long. I do see that somethings such as gender expression and gender identity has been blurred. You can be a masc woman or a feme man or traditional or androgynous, that doesn’t necessarily make you trans. For me it was the fact that I had these feeling before I knew what the wording meant for that now so when came around in my 19s to the fact that I was trans after a prolonged repression I saw that I had to experiment with my expression and as I was addressed as a guy more often then not I found internal peace and happiness.

Big things in my life has changed and the overall for the better, even if I feel worse with my SZA this 2019 year. My CNP said I seem much better in regards to actions and feelings and behavior. Something she never quiet saw while I was female,

Point is this something I would not chose. It is a hard path but I tried again to live as female and I am not being dramatic to say that it hurt me enough to where I contemplated suicide.


Those are real feelings and I appreciate your honesty. The way I was raised you just don’t do that and for me that’s what I believe but I don’t judge people who do. I don’t walk in their shoes.

So I guess I don’t exist? Nonbinary and intersex individuals exist and our struggles are very real.

We get abused and belittled constantly saying there is no third gender is incredibly disrespectful.

As a nonbinary person my dream personally is to look as androgynous as possible and have people actually use they them pronouns for me.

But those of use who go more masculine or feminine are still valid nonbinary people. It’s easy to respect people’s choices on their bodies.



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