Epic games


I don’t know if this offer concerns the players from all over the world…
Epic Games offers 15 (good) games.

You just need to connect to the website and add the free game to the basket !


It’s 1 game per day.


Awesome, just downloaded one and set a reminder to check in again tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up!

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You’re welcome…
You just missed 1 or 2 games…

I’ve been doing this too, since the day they offered Cities Skylines.

I missed Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny, but I already have those on GoG. They are great games.

I check epic games daily, i get the free ones whether i might play them or not. The last one i was most pleased about was GTA 5 back in the summer.

Theres an ongoing $10 or £ voucher going on games over 15 at the moment, so i grabbed assassins creed valhalla for £34 the other day too.

I used to love games before medication

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Thanks 15151515

That’s a good deal I might check it out.

I’m pretty sure I’ve outgrown games. I always sucked at single player. My preference is multiplayer. The only two games I’ve ever beat were GTA. I bore too easily.

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