End of disability payments?

If they discontinued disability I would have no choice but to get off my med’s so I could work outside in the weather, or in a hot factory. I’m just not fast enough to do fast food. I get fired from those jobs pretty quickly for being too slow, even though I work as fast as I can. I would just have to hope I could keep it together without medications, but in my personal experience that has never worked out.

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At the beginning of time people helped other people if they were nice.
People got old and their familes took care of them. People begged.
Widows who couldn’t get jobs because woman weren’t hired took in wash, etc, etc, etc
Individuals that wanted to be generous with their time and money could help.
the government did not get in the way of people’s generosity.

We used to have mental hospitals to help people. I lived in Williamsburg where the first one was opened before there were any government agencies in the way.

Yes things weren’t perfect and as the greatest country in the world, we thought we could do the communists one better and make sure all the poor people were helped.

The benevolent USA government had a better plan. Take everyone’ money ands we will be in charge of determining who gets it.
Forms of socialism were tried in Europe to redistribute wealth.

But as has been found these plans work until governments run out of spending other peoples’ money. So the USA has gotten away for years printing money and continually expanding the deficit. Give money to everyone, spend, spend, spend

So how much longer does anyone think that social security or welfare or disability will last? Who will end up holding the bag?
Several cities have run out of money and can’t pay pensions for teachers, firemen, etc
Who will pay for the benefits of the next generation?

Anyone who is left on this earth when the final battle between good and evil is done may not care. I don’t see the world lasting many years at this point. So when all is nuclear dust what will matter?

What makes you say Dr. Long is a Fraud? I can see that he appears paranoid . . .


@Jayster Sorry, after reading a few of his articles it made me sick. I said fraud because of his need to feed off fear instead of using studies, research, facts, and science. He’s a PDoc explaining the economy…would you let an economist prescribe your medications?

The argument is that economics is not a hell of a science. The argument continues the economy is based on people, and understanding people is the province of psychologists and, occassionally, psychiatrists.


No, people is sociology…the person is the Psyche.

320 million people make up our society. That Drs thoughts on the economy are without warrant, and misleading.

Your voice is harsh.

My voice is honest, your perception is blinding.

There’s a large group of politicians who all sit down and discuss social security’s future. They ‘balance the budget’ and either lower benefits or raise withholding. Last I heard, SSDI is good until the 2050’s if there are no changes and there obviously will be changes over time to prevent it from ever ending.

The only problem with Republicans voting it out is that they currently pay into it so they are entitled to it when they need it. I don’t see them giving it up. Plus, they can choose not to pay into it (assuming employer allows it), they just won’t get benefits when they need it. Also, with a hefty percent of the population relying on SSDI, the economy would take a HUGE hit.

When reading articles that predict what could happen. It is important to remember that people only really like to talk about extremes. That’s why misinformation spreads faster than factual info and consequently why our Media sucks.

I feel exactly the same way. A certain sense of terror. I hope the economy picks up soon…

Well either way. Bush was not against the social services.

Your right. Fretting is dumb. The world will go on.

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oh contraire mon frere…Bush changed medicare and tried to tear it apart just like every other republican wants to.